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1、   高等学校省级质量工程项目,2018jyxm,应用型高校环境类专业评估标准体系的构建,2018.12-2020.12

2、   安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目,2019xfxm64,污水处理虚拟仿真实验教学项目,2019.12-2021.12




1.         生物炭复合催化剂活化过硫酸盐降解抗生素的效能与机制研究(1808085MB49)安徽省自然科学基金面上项目。

2.         生物炭负载型催化剂的制备及其催化过硫酸盐降解有机污染物的研究(KJ2016A178)安徽省教育厅重点项目。

3.         高校优秀中青年骨干国内外访学研修重点项目(gxfxZD2016179)安徽省教育厅振兴计划项目。

4.         基于负载型碳基催化剂活化过硫酸盐降解偶氮染料的研究(ZRC2016475)澳门人威尼斯3966重点项目。



[1]      Yan Wang,  Huiyuan Li , Pan Yi, Hui Zhang,Degradation of  clofibric acid by UV, O3 and UV/O3 processes:  Performance,comparison and degradation pathways,Journal  of Hazardous Materials 379 (2019) 120771.

[2]      Xinxin Bai1, Yan Wang1,  Xin Zheng, Kangmeng Zhu, Anhua Long, Xiaogang Wu,Hui ZhangRemediation of  phenanthrene contaminated soil by coupling soil washing with Tween 80,  oxidation using the UV/S2O82  process and recycling of the surfactant,Chemical  Engineering Journal 369 (2019) 1014–1023.

[3]      Xu Yin,Wu  Ying,Zhang  Wei,Fan  Xiaohui,Wang Yan,Zhang  Hui,Performance  of artificial sweetener sucralose mineralization via UV/O3  process: Kinetics, toxicity and intermediates,Chemical  Engineering Journal 353 (2018) 626–634.

[4]      Yan Wang,  Yan Chen, Jianfei Wang, Jiaojiao Lu, Resin-supported Fe(III) as an   efficient heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for degradation of Reactive Black  5,  Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 56:1-10.

[5]      Yan Wang,  Jianfei Wang, Haimin Zou, Yue Xie. Heterogeneous activation of hydrogen   peroxide using ɤ-Al2O3 supported  bimetallic Fe, Mn for  the degradation of reactive black 5, RSC  Advances, 2016, 6, 15394–15401.

[6]      Yan Wang,  Ricky Priambodo, Hui Zhang,Yao-Hui Huang,  Degradation of the azo dye Orange G in a fluidized bed reactor using  iron  oxide as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst,  RSC Advances,2015, 5, 45276–45283.

[7]      Yan Wang,  Yaowen Gao, Hui Zhang*. Goethite as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton  catalyst for the degradation of methyl orange. Catalysis Today , 2015,   252:107-112.

[8]      Yan Wang, Hui Zhang, Lu Chen, Sheng  Wang, Daobin Zhang. Ozonation combined with ultrasound for the degradation of  tetracycline in a rectangular air-lift  reactor. Separation and  Purification Technology, 2012,84: 138–146.

[9]      Yan Wang, Hui Zhang, Jianhua Zhang,  Chen Lu, Qianqian Huang, Jie Wu, Fang Liu. Degradation of tetracycline in  aqueous media by ozonation in an internal loop-lift reactor. Journal of  Hazardous Materials, 2011,192 (1): 35– 43.

[10]  Yan Wang, Hui Zhang, Lu Chen.  Ultrasound enhanced catalytic ozonation of  tetracycline in a  rectangular air-lift reactor. Catalysis Today, 2011,175  (1): 283– 292.

[11]  王艳, 李春花,  龚畏,  周秀秀,戴金贵.  四氧化三铁活化过硫酸盐降解活性黑5[J].  环境污染与防治,  2018, 40 (08):15-20.

[12]  王艳,杨硕,张米雪,等.ZnFe/BC 活化过硫酸盐降解金橙J].环境化学,2018,37(  12) : 2630-2637








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