

作者: 更新时间:2019-04-07 点击数:








1. 安徽省教育厅优秀人才项目:吸附通道及SPR效应对BiVO4基复合材料在可见光下降解室内VOCs性能的影响,起止年月:2021/01-2022/12,3万元

2. 安徽高校自然科学研究重点项目:基于双边异质结高效光催化剂的制备及析氢过程微观机理研究,起止年月:2020/01-2021/12,6万元

3. 江苏省城乡住宅结构装配技术工程实验室开放课题:3D打印技术在装配式建筑节点构建中的应用研究,起止年月:2020/01-2021/12,5万元

4. 安徽省自然科学基金:等离子共振与荧光上转换耦合作用对BiVO4近红外光催化动力学研究,起止年月:2019/01-2020/12,10万元

5. 课题:乐山大佛中红砂岩的结构、成分与形貌探究,起止年月:2019/01-2019/06,20万元

6. 课题:荧光碳点在石窟渗水路径探测应用可行性研究——以乐山大佛为例,起止年月:2018/06-2019/12,10万元

7. 重庆市重点实验室开放课题:氮掺杂纳米碳点的可控制备及重金属离子检测性能的研究,起止年月:2016/01-2017/12,2万元(主持)。


1. Jumeng Wei, Qiting Jia, Bowen Chen, Hao Wang, Xiang Ke, Yue Dong, Guodong Liu,Yong Peng. High-efficient electrocatalyst of MoNi4@MoO3-x nanorod for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline solutions. J. Alloy. Compd. 2021, 876:160152.

2. WEI Ju-Meng, LV Qiang, WANG Ben-Chi, PAN Jia-Le, YE Xiang-Ju, SONG Chang-Chun. Synthesis of Cubic-relievo Ag3PO4 with High Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity. J. Inorg. Mater. 2019, 34:786-790.

3. Jumeng Wei, Min Zhou, Anchun Long, Yanming Xue, Hanbin Liao4, Chao Wei4, Zhichuan J. Xu. Heterostructured Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Under Alkaline Conditions. Nano-Micro Lett. 2018, 10:75.

4. Jumeng Wei, Huan Wei, Xingyang Ji, Shiming Ren, Haitao Dai, Lijun Cheng, Jia Zhang. emperature sensing behavior in Yb3+–Tb3+ and Eu3+ doped Ca2Gd8(SiO4)6O2 phosphors based on upconversion and downshifting luminescence. J. Mater. Sci: Mater. Ele. 2018, 29: 12061-12066.

5. Wei Jumeng, Liu Bitao, Zhang Xin, Song Changchun. One-pot synthesis of N, S co-doped photoluminescent carbon quantum dots for Hg2+ ion detection. New Carbon Mater. 2018. 33, 333-340.

6. Jumeng Wei, Bin Zhou, Shubing Gu, Shang Lv, Yu Zhou, and Bitao Liu. Facile Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Nanodots from Cornstalk and Their Application as a Sensing Platform for Detection of Cu2+ Ions. Sci. Adv. Mater. 2017, 9, 901-906.

7. Chengrong Wu, Bitao Liu, Jun Wang, Yongyao Su, Hengqing Yan, Chuntan Ng, Cheng Li, Jumeng Wei (通讯作者). 3D structured Mo-doped Ni3S2 nanosheets as efficient dual-electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2018, 441, 1024-1033.

8. Bitao Liu, Xuelian Yan, Hengqing Yan, Yucen Yao, Yanhua Cai, Jumeng Wei(通讯作者), Shanyong Chen, Xuhui Xu and Lu Li. Preparation and Characterization of Mo Doped in BiVO4 with Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties. Materials 2017, 10, 976.

9. Jumeng Wei, Xin Zhang, Yingzhuo Sheng, Jianmin Shen, Peng Huang, Shikuan Guo, Jiaqi Pan, Boxue Feng. Simple One-step Synthesis of Water-soluble Fluorescent Carbon Dots from Waste Paper, New J. Chem. 2014, 38(3), 906-909.

10. Jumeng Wei, Xin Zhang, Yingzhuo Sheng, Jianmin Shen, Peng Huang, Shikuan Guo, Jiaqi Pan, Boxue Feng. Dual Functional Carbon dots Derived from Cornflour via a Simple One-pot Hydrothermal Route. Mater. Lett. 2014, 123, 107-111.

11. Jumeng Wei, Bitao Liu, and Peng Yin. Dual functional carbonaceous nanodots exist in a cup of tea. RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 63414-63419. 







