How do Foreigners work legally in China?外国人如何在中国合法工作?-国际交流与合作办学International Exchange andCooperation


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How do Foreigners work legally in China?外国人如何在中国合法工作?

作者:外国人来华服务 时间:2017-09-30 点击数:

Please download the PICTURE attached to see the procedure and materials required for the

application for Foreigner's Work Permit in China.


中国安徽凤阳东华路9号(凤阳校区) Add:  No. 9 Donghua Road, Fengyang, Anhui, 233100, China
蚌埠市黄山大道1501号(龙湖校区)  Add:  No. 1501 Huangshan Avenue, Bengbu, Anhui, 233030,China 
